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This image provided by NASA Saturday Jan. 10, 2009 shows a 360-degree panorama of the view from the location where NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity spent five weeks in November and December 2008 while the sun was nearly directly in between Mars and Earth, limiting communications. The view combines 276 different exposures taken with Opportunity's panoramic camera (Pancam) -- 92 pointings, with three filters at each pointing. North is in the center of the panorama. Rover tracks are visible from the drive to the location from which the Pancam captured this view. This is an approximate true-color, red-green-blue composite panorama image. The lighter-toned patches of ground in this view are sulfate-rich bedrock. Darker patches are dark, windblown sand. The metal post in the foreground is the top of Opportunity's low-gain antenna. (AP Photo/NASA)
<긴급속보 SMS 신청> <포토 매거진> <스포츠뉴스는 M-SPORTS>
<저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지.>
[출처 : AP연합뉴스]
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