Thursday, January 15, 2009


NASA 과학연구용에 사용될 미공군 최신 무인첩보기 버전 글로벌호크기(AP=연합뉴스)

The Global Hawk, a version of the Air Force's top-of-the-line unmanned spyplane, which will be used by NASA for scientific research, is unveiled at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009. Capable of staying aloft for more than 30 hours, it will sample greenhouse gases responsible for ozone depletion and verify measurements by NASA's Aura atmosphere research satellite on its first Earth science mission in June. The computer-controlled, high-altitude drone is best known for its surveillance role in Iraq and Afghanistan and has been used to monitor wildfires in the United States. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

<긴급속보 SMS 신청> <포토 매거진> <스포츠뉴스는 M-SPORTS>

<저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지.>

[출처 : AP연합뉴스]

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