Saturday, January 31, 2009


Soldiers of the Sri Lanka Army patrolling a recently captured section of the road

Soldiers of the Sri Lanka Army patrolling a recently captured section of the road where an earth bund has been put up by the fleeing Tiger cadres at Mullaitivu 384 kms north-east of Colombo 31 January 2009. With almost all its main bastions having fallen into the hands of the government forces, the LTTE is now restricted to a mere 280 sq. km. area of jungle area, Vishvamadu and Puthukudyiruppu being the only prominent townships within. The Tamil Tigers as they are called have been waging an armed struggle for a separate homeland in the north and east since 1976. Cloaked with an image of invincibility, the outfit has spurned peace talks with successive governments. Nearly half the country was under its control by 2006. Since mid 2006, the incumbent government embarked to rid the island of the terrorist menace and presently the Tamil Tigers are losing real estate by the day. While the conflict has claimed the lives of over 75,000 from both sides, a military defeat for the LTTE is looming large and it may be vanquished as a conventional fighting force very soon, according to military sources. EPA/STR

<긴급속보 SMS 신청> <포토 매거진> <스포츠뉴스는 M-SPORTS>

<저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지.>

[출처 : EPA연합뉴스]

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