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목성의 최대위성 가니메데성(星)이 목성 뒤로 숨기전 얼굴을 살짝 내밀고 있는 듯한 모습. 미국 항공우주국(NASA)의 허블 우주망원경이 포착한 이 이미지는 NASA가 2008년 12월 18일 제공했다(AP=연합뉴스).(hcs). (paulohan@naver.com).
In this image provided by NASA Thursday Dec. 18, 2008 the Hubble Space Telescope has caught Jupiter's moon Ganymede playing a game of "peek-a-boo." In this crisp Hubble image, Ganymede is shown just before it ducks behind the giant planet. Ganymede completes an orbit around Jupiter every seven days. Because Ganymede's orbit is tilted nearly edge-on to Earth, it routinely can be seen passing in front of and disappearing behind its giant host, only to reemerge later. Composed of rock and ice, Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system. It is even larger than the planet Mercury. But Ganymede looks like a dirty snowball next to Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. This color photo was made from three images taken on April 9, 2007. (AP Photo/NASA/HUBBLE)
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[출처 : AP연합뉴스]
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