Saturday, May 2, 2009

Japan Google Old Secrets

In this computer screen image taken from the Google Earth software, a feudal map of a village in central Japan from hundreds of years ago, superimposed on a modern street map, is shown. The village is clearly labeled "eta," an old word for Japan's outclass of untouchables known as "burakumin." The word literally means "filthy mass" and is now considered to be a racial slur. The burakumin still face prejudice based on where they live or their ancestors lived, and fear that Google's software can be used to easily pinpoint the old villages and match them up with modern neighborhoods. (AP Photo/Google Earth) ** EDITORIAL USE ONLY CREDIT MANDATORY ** **NO SALES**

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<저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지.>

[출처 : AP연합뉴스]

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