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North Korea rocket launch
This image provided by DigitalGlobe, shows what is believed to be the exhaust trail and vehicle launched from Musudan-ri, North Korea, 05 April 2009. North Korea's state media claimed 07 April 2009 that a rocket launch seen overseas largely as a technical failure will propel the country to greatness, while moves at the United Nations to punish Pyongyang remained mired in a lack of consensus. North Korea launched what it claims was a satellite that successfully entered orbit around the earth, defying international warnings that the move would violate U.N. resolutions and invite further censure. EPA/DIGITALGLOBE EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/MANDATORY CREDIT
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<저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지.>
[출처 : EPA연합뉴스]
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